[b]Saturday, Noon, "Get-On-Gaku" Record Store[/b] Kouhime set the last CD in the return rack and glanced at the clock. Good timing, her shift was just about over. She headed over to the front desk. "Mr. Yamauchi. I'm done for today. See you tomorrow." "A-ahh... yeah. See you tomorrow," he responded. Even though she'd been working at the store for over a year, she was still just as terse as she was when she was just starting out. Kouhime exited the store, putting on her headphones and starting [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3bAh9ro538]the next track[/url] on her MP3 player. She crossed the street, heading down the incline. The narrow street opened up to a wide avenue, sidling a park, where apparently a concert was being held. Kouhime inwardly shrugged, before setting herself down on a park bench, a bit away from the actual venue. It was far enough away that the music from the concert wouldn't completely drown out her music. She wasn't averse to the idea of the concert itself, but she couldn't handle crowds, and so she decided to stay away from the heat of the main event. Spying a vending machine a bit further out she stood, heading over and depositing the spare change in her pocket. With a clunk a can fell into the bottom bin and she picked it up. Coke. Excellent. She returned to her spot, watching the venue from afar. She spotted a girl with pink hair, standing near the venue. Come to think of it, she'd seen her around the area. Didn't she work at the bakery or something? Inwardly shrugging again, she popped the tab open and took a swig. --- [b]Saturday, Noon, The Venue[/b] Concert! Concert! Conceeeeeeeeeert! Needless to say, Mayumi was excited for the concert. Not because of the music really but because of the people. So many people were going to be there that the chances of seeing someone she knew would be quite high. And then, she could surprise them with Mayumi's Super Hugging Tackle Special. Oh, she couldn't wait! She rushed out of the door with a quick and customary goodbye to absolutely no one in her room as she rushed down the stairs of her apartment. Pssh... who needs elevators? She ran down the street, heading towards the park. ... "Hah... hah... I'm... here now... yaaaaaaaaaay..." she mumbled, collapsing onto the ground in the middle of the venue. Yeah, maybe running about seven blocks on essentially one breath wasn't the best idea...