[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F5rMwb7.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QcOKUi5.png[/img][/center] [hider=Info][center][b]Name:[/b] Raeli Isyanov [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Species:[/b] Cyborg: Entirely mechanized body save for spinal cord, parts of the brain, and face. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Hair that is tinted a Salmon color, and fierce, feline like eyes. Raeli can be a sight to behold for many. The entirety of her body is mechanized, save for her face, spinal cord, brain stem, and crucial segments of her brain. Her body was crafted with some of the most durable metals known to the galaxy for combat purposes. Her body comes in two modes, recreational and combat. Recreational allows her skin to take on a much more humanoid appearance, replaces her skin with artificial material, which despite the odds feels just as human skin would, unfortunately, Raeli is rarely seen in her opposite skin, and is often primed in the combat version. Her combat version makes her look quite alien from her human counterparts, to the point where many have questioned her status as human and not android. Her combat body contains port that allows her to connect with digital networks across the galaxy, as well as being able to switch her consciousness into another cyborg, android, or mechanized body (as long as they contain viable ports as well). Her armor is sleek and skin tight save for segment attached to the base of neck which protects her from being hacked by tech savvy individuals, or her ports being destroyed. She is 5'10 and her weight is nigh incalculable as she can change it based on her surroundings (i.e if she's in a zero gravity like area, she can make her herself heavy enough to resist said gravity.) Her skin is olive toned to contrast with her pastel colored hair, all in all, Raeli would say that she is a 'sight for sore eyes.' [b]Apparel[/b]: The skin tight exoskeleton like armor is usually enough for her is she wasn't planning to use any automatic weapons, though occasionally she may wear this as an armor: [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/185/d/4/pilot_suit_by_adrian_w-d6bx7pr.jpg[/img] [b]Weaponry[/b]: [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/138/2/7/nsa_concept_art_weapons_monic_saber_by_vladsparta-d64qcra.jpg]Zurich Sabers[/url] Two Katana like swords that she imbues with electric pulses to increases it's damage, considering her skill with htem it can be quite deadly, and is known to cut effectively through many materials. It can send out blast-waves of electrical energies towards targets as well as a sort of long range attack. [url=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/63/1276x432_11534_Rail_sniper_rifle_2d_sci_fi_gun_weapon_rifle_concept_art_picture_image_digital_art.jpg]SDS-283 Rail Sniper Rifle 'Baby' [/url] Having been a Sniper during the war days, this gun is her specialty, and a truly treasured weapon to the point where Raeli has a assigned little pet names. Very effective long distance weapon, and Raeli preferred weapon if she chooses to avoid conflict/ [url=http://www.conceptart.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1485590&stc=1&d=1337660568]Flux Meson XR-4Z SMG[/url] A Sub-Machine Gun that is usually used for multiple groups of enemies to get them to scatter easily, not her favorite since it tends to over heat way too easily for her likes. [b]Other[/b]: Speaks with a slight Russian accent Lover and collector of old movies Eats like there's no tomorrow Frequent Smoker [b]Starfighter[/b]: [url=http://www.titanatelier.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/mccoy_02-jon-mccoy-art-futuristic-scott-robertson-spaceship-concept-hovercraft-speeder-cruiser-racer-space-craft-fzero-f-zero-2.jpg]Phoebas[/url] Phoebas is a rather speedy little Star Fighter that offers little as far as defense is concerned, so naturally Raeli has a tendency to pilot it really fast, and that seems to work well enough. [b]Skills[/b]: -Raeli is a master hacker, few if any people can out-master her skills with data in multiple networks around the Galaxy, she has trained herself to become fast at infiltrating private data, and once even wiping out the electrical signals of one planet. The power of this has scared many governments, but it seems she is too much of a liability to take down, rather it seems many governments want her expertise for themselves, but Raeli finds her ideology to mismatch with those who are willing to pay her in the millions. -Veteran Solider, as one who served the Republic in recent years, her skills as a soldier gives her the many skill for survival in combat, along with her cybernetic body she can be quite deadly. -Expert Sniper, A Galaxy renowned sniper, as this became her legacy when serving the Corvais Republic, her kill count is unmatched as a Sniper. [b]Abilities[/b]: Electricity Manipulation: This ability is rather uncontrolled, and rarely used because of this, she can manipulate electrical currents, but this can easily scramble her own sensitive data and brain matter if she is not careful, and can render her unconscious for several hours a sit has before in the past while trying to tempt it. Mostly she uses it to incapacitate her enemies quickly with a little zolt. Technopathy: Raeli has the natural ability to manipulate the electrical signals from all types of machines and technology, making it far easier for her to hack whatever she needs, whenever it is necessary. This is the ability that she is renowned for, and at the same time envied for. Super-Strength: It comes with the enhancement of having a body made out of strong alloys, and while she may have this strength, it does not necessary mean that her body can't get torn into pieces, simply that her strength far outweighs that of any normal human. Cell Regeneration: This ability is slight, and does always work, she can regenerate some wounds, but not all, especially if she's lost a limb. [b]Word-of-Mouth[/b]: Truth be told, not much is known about Raeli other than she is constantly moving around to new locations, and was a veteran soldier for the Republic, but once the war was over, she found herself conflicted, and more importantly a lost of meaning to her purpose. Rumor has it though that the woman is a spy for hire, someone whose reputation in the hacking community has reached into the far depths of the Galaxy, as well as some of her missions, which she may or may not have been spotted at. Whatever life she lives she seems to enjoy it, all the while garnering the fear of her more affluent targets who wish to strike against her, with her hacking capabilities is it apparent that she seems untouchable as all types of information is available at her fingertips, information most people would not want revealed to the public. Much of her time is spent debating her existence, and the rarity of an individual with more than 90% of their body cyberized, is it a wonder how someone as young as her could have ended up as physically impaired as she became to undergo this transformation. [/center][/hider]