Quinn, dazed, watched the scarred man retreat back up the stairs to the floor they had come down from. He felt sick: slightly nauseous, and had a headache that turned the world into a blur of pain. He glanced around the room and noticed a chair near one of the walls. He stumbled over and let his head sink into his hands. He massaged his temples and took deep breaths. The pressure slowly started to lift. He looked up and around at the people in the room with him. He could tell there was something different about them all. Himself too. But what? Everything before today was an empty void - he knew he had lived a life before this, he just didn't know what kind of life. Had he been a good sort of person? Maybe he could find some answers. Quinn looked down at what he was wearing. A white pullover sweater, with black pants and polished brown shoes. He had a white lab coat on, with a nametag. He pulled it off his front pocket and held it up to the light to read. "Quinn Forester. Intern - Experimental Biology, Somdium Corp. Age: 22. Sex: Male. Hair: Brown. Eyes: Hazel." Looking at his watch, he was surprised to see it frozen. The year is what caught his eye. 2030. The digital clock on the wall read 2032. Quinn frowned and looked back and forth between the two times. It couldn't be. Two years doesn't just disappear. The headache came raging back. "What the hell?" he mumbled to himself. Then he noticed what felt like a small cardboard box in his front pocket. He pulled it out. The box read "Parliament." His headache pulsed again [i]Guess, I was... a smoker then.[/i] He flicked open the top of the box, to find a few stale and crumbling cigarettes. He closed the box, slipping it back into his pocket. He would keep it. He'd keep everything from... before. Quinn turned his attention back to the room. "Hey, ah, I hate to be that guy, but, anybody got a smoke? Sorry... my head's killing me."