Mayt smiles slightly when Sasha told the girl she'd be alright, and then winced when she went to go find the family. He had left them lying around in the living room, bloodied and battered. He rubbed the back of his head when Sasha came back, about to explain what happened when she started apologizing and giving him the potion. He didn't try to meet her eyes when she gave him the potion, feeling bad for taking it, but knowing if he tries to give it back she'll yell at him or something. He slid it into his pocket and sighed, feeling worse we she apologized. "No, I'm the one who should be saying sorry Sasha. I've been avoiding you for the past month so that I could give you something when I apologized." Mayt scratches the back of his head, blushing a little. "So... Well, here's the unfinished sorry project." He pulls something out of his back pocket and hands it to Sasha. "I mean... I suck at whittling." It's a very bad wooden sculpture of the fish sculpture she had used to demonstrate her abilities to him, it's not very good, she can barely tell it's a fish, but he obviously did it himself.