Hey Hey Tenish!!! I find your concern a bit terrifying rather than comforting. I don't know, maybe it's the hug threat you're implying? :hehe But anyway, Thanks! I will get better nonetheless. Now onto things, I need to start figuring out what everyone is talking about. Honestly, I'm quite annoyed of myself on how I am quickly puzzled once a topic is being discussed. [s]Who is Chris Pratt? (Slap me if I sounded dumb but.....I'm innocent..pls)[/s] finally figured out Well, I've been staying at home for the entire day and will be for the next following ones, so maybe I can construct a post later on if my unstoppable sneeze and cough-fest calms down. I'll be writing more about Jyn's family through flashbacks and etc. and if anyone wants to be involved in the jam, just shoot me a PM. Also, I forgot to notice that there was a newcomer here. Welcome to our humble abode, Anima dear! (am I allowed to say that?)