[hider= Charecter summary] [b]Location:[/b] The citadel dungeon hallway [b]Health:[/b] Hungry [b]Inventory: [/b] None [/hider] Shorus didn't waste any time, he wasn't as quick as the elves, but he didn't mean to sit on his hands either. With tremendous power he ripped the shackles of every prisoner in the cell who was still bound, then he ran into the hallway with a loud battle roar. Shorus gored a guard who was trying to flank the elven warriors with such power that the poor man was literally smeared on the wall. Afterwards he kicked a lock on a nearby cell with his hoof, breaking the lock and opening the door. This lock was a joke in comparison to the lock on his old cell, it couldn't even hold a teenage minotaur! Goring, kicking and fisting his way along the hallway, Shorus broke every cell lock that was still intact and not meant to hold a minotaur and ripped every set of shackles that was still bounding a prisoner. He then found himself facing a fragile nymph, standing in the hallway with iron shackles remaining around her wrists. Shorus broke the nymphs shackles, releasing her from the heavy bracelets and roared to her to stay behind him. [b] "We need make secure this floor and then see what do next![/b] shouted Shorus to the other warriors with a typical minotaur accent.