Yeah for the first time ever I feel that I need to step out of an rp its becoming chaotic, One night of sleep and I have to read like 3.5 OOC pages, if the IC is like this.. I have a child and other obligations so that is a no go But also the chaos with the CS is kind of a buzzkill everyone needs to change/ remake their CS's due to changes to the blank, what should have been in there already from the start, that will be just to much, especially since 90% of my mage CS is now useless with the new rules, taking a look at the spells he would have learned in the future and the spells he would have in the beginning, he would only keep 1 spell and with the new rules, its a suicide spell, also his past is now unusable with the part Var is most annoyed about, so yeah, I would have to start from scratch. Worst I feel is, I put in 6 hours of researching up Latin for my spells and that is now purely wasted time, thank you very much Sorry Derp and Stern that I am now leaving you two without partner, perhaps you can join together, both having a mage and knight respectably. EDIT: btw Var, I say this with respect, but I feel like your angry at us for the mistakes, (especially seeing the "New shit under the hider "stuff you should know" GO READ IT, WAISTed 3 HOURS OF MY LIVE") while these things would have been better if posted there from the start to prevent such mistakes, we cannot help it not knowing these rules and all that if it was not posted from the beginning. I understand its frustrating that there were so many mistakes by us, but it feels like your angry at us and blaming us, and I dont think that much is fair I hope your rp will be a huge success further and wish you all good luck with your remaking CS's and a lot of fun with the rp.