Hm, okay. Let my put my first nation concept up here. My nation is called "The Eudaimonia Foundation", a highly advanced association of worlds and city-ships in the style of the Culture that want to make peace, party, help out minor socities, and explore the rest of the galaxy before its too late to miss out on what hasn't been discovered. Meanwhile they are also looking into what to do after the galaxy snuffs out. Traveling to another galaxy or building new stars are seriously being considered. Most of the Foundation are made of augmented individuals, predominantly humanoids. Cybernetic, biologic, and nanotech augmentation are common and used by everyday citizens. Even body-swapping between clones or mechanical bodies is available at a affordable level. Life on Foundation worlds is comfortable and highly-automated, if not outright luxurious, for even common citizens. While they do have the capability to become a complete post-scarcity society, its a social decision to only make the basic necessities of life free and ubiquitous. To obtain higher luxuries and status, one has to contribute to the Foundation in some way in a creative or cultural method. Exploration, discovery, roleplay, creative arts, and diplomacy are common methods. More than a few worlds and city-ships of the Foundation adhere to a "theme" that its citizens have to conform or adapt to as "rent" for their comforts, which outsiders might find odd but Eudaimonians think is a hoot and what makes different worlds unique and fun. In general, the Foundation doesn't want to get involved in wars or conflicts, and tries to position itself as a neutral diplomatic ground for foreign affairs/ tourist resort. In practice though, theres a number of Foundation explorer groups willing to hire themselves out as mercenaries for thrills, money, or desire for violence. And the Foundation does retain the industrial and technological capability (although not much desire) for large-scale warfare if absolutely necessary. However they prefer to absorb minor societies they meet with culture and trade rather than with force. What do you think?