[b][u]Name[/u][/b]:Michio(Man on the right path) Yuki [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]:Michi [i][u]Gender[/u][/i]:Male [b][u]Age and date of birth[/u][/b]: 12 [i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]: 10 [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] Heterosexual [i][u]Parents:[/u][/i] Father- Kobo Yuki, Mother- Kuniko Yuki [i][u]Length and build[/u][/i] 5" Lean kind of muscle [i][u]Weight[/u][/i]100 [i][u]Favorite weather and season[/u][/i] Windy/Autumn [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Kirigakure [i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: Kirigakure [i][u]Organization[/u][/i]: None [b][u]Clan/Bloodline[/u][/b]:Yuki [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]:Genin [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]:Water [b][u][url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/066/0/5/Mist_Shinobi_by_kurouku.jpg]Appearance[/url][/u][/b]: [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]:Michio is naturally curious but holds it back because of his poor childhood experiences. His early childhood also caused him to have initial trust-issues with adults until they prove themselves, so he normally acts rather reclusive towards them. He is very determined to reach his goals but won't bullheadedly pursue them. [u][b]History[/b][/u]:Michio's mother is a courier ninja who gets the money for the family. His father stays at home and takes care of Michio and the house work. His father isn't much of a ninja and isn't ashamed to admit that his wife is much stronger than him. They have a nice house and they make enough money to go out for nice things every once in a while. Michio always admired how strong his mother was and wanted to become strong like her and help earn money for his family. For some reason Michio has never been able to use the ice chakra from his bloodline but both his mother and his father encourage him to become a strong ninja and Michio works on his chakra control restlessly hoping to someday be able to use his so far hidden ice chakra. They got Michio after being married for about a year, and were very happy to get a child. Michio was always loved as a child but when he was very young he was playing in the street and one of the Mizukage's patrols came by. Michio didn't move out of the way quickly enough and one of shinobi kicked Michio into a wall. His father came rushing out of the house when he heard the bang and rushed outside. Kobo saw the shinobi moving towards his son and moved into the way, he begged the guard to leave Michio alone and the guard cut of his arm for sticking it where it didn't belong. Kuniko arrived back from a deliver soon after and used her healing jutsu to stop Kobo from bleeding out but his arm couldn't be saved. Michio was always more reclusive and watchful from then on and began to pay attention to the mistreatment of everyone by the Mizukage's shinobi. Michio never forgave those Shinobi and wanted to became the Mizukage to stop such bad things from happening. A childish dream perhaps in such a brutal place, but one that Michio has held on to. [i][u]Theme Song[/u][/i]:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umVl0Mb7CsU]Unbreakable[/url] [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b][u][/u] [hider=Weapons or Items] Standard shinobi equipment [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b]String for [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Manipulated_Shuriken_Technique] shurikenjutsu[/url] [/hider] [b][u]Skills/Abilities[/u][/b] -Good stamina -Good chakra control -Low speed [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] -High pain tolerance -Ambidextrous -No fashion sense -Low chakara reserves -Distrusting [b][i][u]Custom Jutsu[/u][/i][/b] [Hider=Custom Jutsu] [b][u]Jutsu[/u][/b]: [hider=Cannon Jutsu] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Prison] Water Prison Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiding_in_Mist_Technique] Hidden in the mist technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mist_Servant_Technique] Mist Servant Technique [/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Temporary_Paralysis_Technique]Temporary Paralysis Technique[/url] ==================== [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_classification=Ninjutsu&Jutsu_rank=E]Academy skills[/url] [/hider] [b][i][u]Custom Jutsu[/u][/i][/b] [Hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b]Liquid armor [b]Rank:[/b]C [b]Range:[/b]Self [b]Nature Type:[/b]Water [b]Handseals:[/b]Dog->Boar->Horse->Dog [b]Description:[/b]Covers the body of the user in water which slows down any impact before it can reach the skin, This technique lowers the speed of the user but decreases the power of any physical of attacks that land. [b]Weakness:[/b]Lightning [/hider]