Well my concept nation is the "Alluminatic Combine". The combine mainly composes of the "Allorisian" race. They came to the current galaxy they are now inhabiting after escaping their old home world because of a natural calamity. After thousands of years in space in stasis, their bodies have weakened to the state that a forceful punch would kill them. To make matters worst, most of the data archieves in their ship was damaged causing much of their information to be lost. Their entire civilization had to start from scratch and rebuild. After several hundreds of years, the future generation of Allorisians had more resiliant bodies but were still very fragile. It didn't take long for the Allorisians to regain lost knowledge. They had the capability of inter-planetary travel. Colonies soon began to be built on other worlds and younger races were soon enslaved. The Allorisians began building a massive empire for their own. They then met other races with the same technological advancement as they did. This other races would not be allowed to interfere with the interest of the Allorisians and war broke out. The Allorisians fought brutal wars for planets and stars. They enslaved prisoners of war and used them in inhummane task. The Allorisians also began developing weapons that would destroy their rivals as efficiently as possible. Working tirelessly and with ethics unbounded to them, the Allorisians created the X4-001 virus better known as the "Black Tide". During one of their desperate defences, they used the virus on the enemy and found that the virus was effective.... on them. The frail anti-bodies of the Allorisians were no match for the monster they had created and it almost whipped out their entire race. The new Allorisian government, the Alluminatic Combine, seeks to redeem itself in the eyes of its neighbors before old hatred sparks up and another war is started. The Combine also has the task of reuniting the old worlds it once had after all communications broke down from them after the wars. The new government will do whatever it takes to unite the Allorisian race again but without bloodshed if possible. Negotiations with ancient enemies are also planned by the combine to ease tensions between them. This could all be a genuine act of retribution by the new Allorisian government or a ploy to distract their neighbors while they lick their wounds. Only time will tell what the true intentions of the Combine is.