Alice could hear the commotion others were causing fighting in other areas, but she held her ground. One of the bandits fell to an arrow, so she knew that at the very least she wasn't a target... yet... Her thoughts were interrupted as a pair of axes glanced off of her armor. They were quick, but not quick enough. She managed to catch one in the chest with her lance as the other tried to get at her again. The berseker shot bolt upright, his body twisting and rippling as saliva dripped from his jaws, a crazy light burning in the depths of his eyes. He tossed his body forward with a demented roar of pure fury, smashing the axe that he held toward the least mobile of his two targets, the fiflthy whore who had betrayed him and the king. Alice barely had time to react as she raised her shield to block the blow from the beserker. It was a good thing that she did to, as she slid back several feet from its force. "this is going to be a pain. you know? you've got a bit to much power for my liking." Alice said, although the beserker seemed to ignore her. In the moment of reprieve she swapped out her lance for her axe. Even as skilled as she was with it, she needed at least an even playing field with this brute. A quick glance at her shield showed little sign of damage other then a decent dent. with a shrug she braced herself for the battle to come.