[hider=Character Summery] Location: Citadel dungeons Health: Hungry, bumps and scrapes Inventory: None[/hider] Pulling apart the iron was easy, if not a little tiring. One could say it was therapeutic, the squeal of iron as it bent was highly pleasant to him. 9 was dissapointed to find that another prisoner had began to open the doors, but with that taken care of he took stock of the situation. Most of the others had left, except for the man who smelled of decay and had a weird looking chest. Giving a quick scan of the body 9 found out it was a poison. Having nothing to cure his ailment, 9 continued on his way and hopefully that he would make it out alive. Stepping out of that terrible place, 9 found himself in a massacre. The guards never stood a chance. They were burnt, crushed, gored, and dead. 9 ignored the smell, there is nothing to be gained in eating right now. Lumbering his way across he saw a familiar sight, the antler one. She had been there since before he had arrived and the tortures he felt through the air were almost as bad as his, maybe. At first he just wanted to get the others out, but now seeing her struggle to move awoke a feeling in 9 he hadn't felt since he was back in the nests, watching over the eggs. The elders had always said that 9 was a protector, that he would bring down all that threatened them. He failed that, his friends were dead and he was lost. He wouldn't fail again. Lumbering up to the antlered one, cutting down an insolent guard along the way, 9 put himself right in front of her. With arms and talons spread wide, 9 let out a warning roar to scare off any would be attackers. After a few seconds, 9's eyes began to glow as he sent a message to the antlered one. [i]"Do you need assistance walking antlered one? I can carry you.[/i] The sound came simultaneous with his hissing and low rumbling growls as he remained in an aggressive pose, trying to scare any would be attacker off.