EDIT: [I]((OOC Warning: Part of this post came a touch early as Shorus has not yet knocked away the door and therefore they cannot yet be in the Barracks. Consider this post as coming after that happens.))[/I] [hider=Character Summary] Location: Headed towards the Guard's Barracks Health: Hungry, dehydrated, tired Inventory: Daggers, cotton shirt, leather corset, leather bracers, breaches, fur-lined boots, Mother's necklace.[/hider] Aevah had no sooner gotten out of the way than chaos broke out. Out came a Minotaur, a monster with many arms, a lizardman was released from his cage, some kind of Dryad or similar Fae being was also freed. She paused at the lizard-man's cage, "If you stay they will kill you, whether you attempted to escape or not... do you want to wait for your death or risk your life for freedom. With this many people we may have a chance..." She didn't usually care about others but right now there was strength in numbers. Everyone set off, the Guards were massacred due to their large friends and magic wielding companions. Aevah played it smart and lingered behind the others, letting them do all the heavy work and noticed that another was doing the same. The woman was a dark elf, or at least she so assumed since she'd never seen one in person before. As the Nobleman shouted directions, Aevah smiled somewhat... If the Guards had been planning to sell their things, the Barracks would be where everything was so that they could split the goods to sell once their prisoners were dead. Since they did not plan on dying this day, she supposed they would not mind too much if they reclaimed their lost items... or at least whatever had not been sold. Aevah did very little fighting, mostly she did a lot of looting. She took a dagger each from two dead guards and that would serve her well enough for now. As they fought their way along, Aevah desperately avoided touching any exposed skin of her companions and especially the dying guards, she couldn't risk slipping into that dream-like state right now without risking her throat being cut. Once they'd finally managed to reach the barracks, Aevah was forced to do a little hands on fighting since there were several guards still here. She ducked a blade and sent her dagger up through his chin, she released it as he toppled over and grimaced. She disliked killing people when it could be avoided, when a blade was aiming to decapitate her however... it was time to fight. She headed immediately to the tables where some of their things lay and grabbed a pair of boots and what had been her clothing before she'd been captured... Her necklace was not in sight but there were several chests near the table which she was sure held more of their goods. "Our things are here, not all but most... hurry. We don't have time to look for more than what we absolutely need." Not really caring for her modesty for the sake of speed and alertness, she quickly yanked on the clothing... not really worrying about tidiness either. She eyed the locks, they weren't very strong or well crafted, unlike the ones on the cages that had held them in the dungeon. She used her booted foot to stomp a few off and threw them open. After some quick digging she found what she was after and slipped the necklace on. She had no more time to waste on finding her coinpurse, backpack, or her bow... she'd have to craft a new one later. She kept an eye on the doors, figuring those who didn't need armor would be doing the same, the Guards WERE coming... they didn't have much time. "When we get to a locked door... stay out of the way. I can open it, if someone doesn't blast it open first... that might be more effective in this case but the more noise we make the more guards will come running... Speed or stealth? It may be too late for stealth..."