"Something like Space Weed usually isn't worth the trouble of hiding it inside of a toy bunny. I'd have to look at you weird and call you super paranoid if you did that. The secret compartment would be acceptable simply because it's cool." Aah, was it not illegal here? Asking her to sample it right in his store... Well, it wasn't surprising. The presence of the Syndicate here must provide a strong influence toward its legalization. "Here? Well, if you're alright with it, I suppose." The woman smiles warmly and reaches into the box, pulling off a small piece and holding it up. Her eyes begin to glow softly as she shapes energy, forming two separate, small barriers to grind up the plant matter. She then merges the barriers together and sparks it with her power. Heat enough to ignite plant matter wasn't hard, especially when it burns so easily. She seems to be concentrating a bit to filter air through her barrier but nothing else. She inhales and holds, considering the product before nodding. It was satisfactory. A moment passes, and she exhales. "I'll take a half. And, uh... how much [i]could[/i] you get me? I'd like more sent to my ship, if you could."