The Arae Tri-Hegemony, is an isolationist and divided "nation". The Hegemonies operate on a council of consuls elected by the hegemons to speak for them and relay the demands and deals from each other without the threat of the leaders themselves being assassinated. Throughout their history, they have met, spoken, and being divided by the roiling conflicts that have always erupted. The Hegemonies are not only divided by their nationalities, but also of species. Though they have had prolonged contact a conflict early on in their histories shoved distrust of their cousins into their minds even to this late day in their history. The three species are the Arae Dicon [People of the South], Arae Ghanid [People of the North], and Arae Erindi [People of the Sky]. Though the names are spoken in a singular trade language this has not supplanted the individual languages of the Hegemonies. The entrance of the Arae onto the galactic stage was one of conquest, blood shed, and exploitation of the lesser races around them, and the empty worlds they could use for their own goals. This led to quick conflicts with the other empires, and nations around them. Some of these held, others were engulfed in conflict with the Arae, while still others were destroyed in the spilling over of conflicts between the Hegemons' fleets and armies. In this late day in the history of the galaxy, they find themselves as violent to themselves and those they do not see as worthy rivals, but running low on resources from their exploitative policies to gain footholds into the future against each other and the outsiders. This has led to the Tri-Hegemony having to reassess their ways of dealing with the outside nations in order to make sure they do not blink out against one another.