[hider=Walter Chuck Warner/Shifter] Name - Walter Chuck Warner Alias - Shifter Age - 15 Sponsor - The Flash Personality - Hilarious, loyal and tenacious Powers - shape-shifting: Walter has the ability to alter his molecules and cellular structure which allows him transform into pretty much anything he can think of, this includes both animate and inanimate objects, that includes things that touch his body such as his clothes. When he transforms into things that normally are not alive, he can still talk and move as if it is alive, for example if Walter was to change into a sandwich then he would still be able to see, hear, and talk as if the sandwich was alive. He also is not limited to real things, he loves shape-shifting into fictional characters but doesn't have any of their abilities. His shape-shifting abilities also allows him to partially transform his body and gain power from the partial transformation such as turning his skin into extremely dense metals, and making himself very gooey to protect him from fatal attacks. He can also alter the size of the things he changes into, but he does have a limit on the maximum size of the transformation, and the biggest thing he can transform into is a T-rex. Weaknesses - although he is a great shape-shifter, he does have several weaknesses, one of his main weaknesses is radiation which can drain him of his abilities and the more radiation there is the faster it will take away his powers. He can slow the proses by turning his skin into led but it will eventually drain him of his power. Another weakness is that when he transforms into large things rapidly then it can give him fatigue, and it takes up energy to stay in his transformed state for a long time and the bigger the form is the more energy it takes to maintain it, and If he uses up too much energy than he can slip into unconsciousness. Walt is not good at long distance fighting so pretty much all of his methods of attack have to be up close against his enemies. Appearance - [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/072/9/2/impulse_bart_allen_by_onlyfuge-d7a0n6b.jpg[/img] BRIEF Bio - Walt was a boy who grew up on hilarious cartoons such as the Loony Tunes, Disney shorts and Tom&Jerry, in the beautiful city of San Diego. His childhood was spent mostly buy thinking up many ideas for cartoons that he planned to create when he was older. At one point during his freshmen year at high school, Walt went on a school trip to a cartoon studio and he was fascinated at witnessing the process of crafting cartoons. The people at the studio showed them a special type of ink that was made from a combination of chemicals. But outside the studio the weather soon started to change and a thunderstorm started up. While Walter was holding a bottle of the special ink, a lightning bolt went through the window and hit the bottle. Walt was hit by a huge amount of electricity and the chemicals in the ink slashed onto him, altering his body's cells and molecular structure. The next thing he knew, he awoke in a hospital and was told that it was a miracle that he was still alive and not permanently injured. After he was let out of the hospital, he soon discovered that he had the ability to shape-shift into all sorts of things. Not too long afterwards, he decided to become a costumed crime fighter and took the name Shifter. His heroic exploits had a good start, but his rash attitude made him make several mistakes and screw up during some acts of heroism which resulted in civilians being hurt. Eventually he caught the attention of the hero Animal and the hero decided to take him under his wing seeing that the youthful hero needed guidance. Walt was honored to be under the tutelage of veteran hero like Animal Man and he remembered that his mentor had once been a member of the Justice League. With Animal Man to guide him, Walt had a firm hand to keep him on the right path of heroics. Despite things looking bright for Walt, tragedy struck when his mother was killed by drunk driver while he was away doing heroics and showing off to the press. He had blamed himself for her death for a while, had he not been away feeding his ego he could have been with her when it happened and saved her. But instead his ego had gotten in the way. A few Months after his mother's death, Walt went back to being a funny guy, his father believed that it was Walt's way of coping with the loss and it was true, but deep down he still felt guilty for her death. It's been about a year since Walt has been mentored by Animal Man and he treats the hero like he is a member of his family. It had also been four months since his mother died and he still feels the guilt but he won't show to people who knows, not even the ones he cares about. Walt now only hopes that his he can use his acts of heroics to save as many lives as possible from sharing tragic fates like his mother's and sparing their families the pain of losing a loved one. He has also grown a big sense of loyalty to his friends and comrades, and almost always refuses to give up when in a bad situation. What's Changed - He's new Notes - He prefers to be called Walt when not being refereed to by his hero identity, and his full name is a reference to Walt Disney, Chuck Jones and Warner Bros.[/hider]