[Hider=Stats] Location: The citadel dungeon guard barracks Health: Full, nervous, gassy New Inventory: Skin pouches (herbs, bait, rope) Axe pole[/hider] Within seconds the entire dungeon turned into a huge jailbreak. Cows breaking walls, prisoners unlocking cages including Rins and the blue veined man taking lead in the riot instead of vouching for Rin in not starting this whole thing. Most left aside from a few stragglers including a small framed woman of elven decent he thinks. "If you stay they will kill you, whether you attempted to escape or not... do you want to wait for your death or risk your life for freedom. With this many people we may have a chance..." the tiny woman said. The scent coming off of her reminded him greatly of the hunter that took him in. No doubt she was of similar profession, someone who's words he took with great trust. It would probabbly be safe to consider her words to be truths as well. Rin let out a frustrating cry as he pounded the ground like a child. "Awwwww your right little one, plus I'm sure Rin would get blamed for all this if he stayed, even though YOU really started it by unlocking the gate. Yessss Rin saw you-you can't hide it, Rin sees everything." He kept talking but the elf didn't seem to care nor listen as she took off and started pillaging the bodies for weapons and making her way towards the guard barracks. Rin quickly followed behind attempting to stay out of the fight and nimbly moving over the trail of bodies keeping a safe but somewhat close distance from the elven girl. "Our things are here, not all but most... hurry. We don't have time to look for more than what we absolutely need." She said as she started rummaging through the chests. "Oh good! Maybe Rins treasures are there as well-" He cut himself short when he caught the eye of a nearby trash can that kept most of his things in it along with leftovers from the guards lunch break. Letting out an aggitated hiss, he pulled out all his skin pouches filled with various bait and herbs as well as the self made hemp rope, the piece of raw glass was clouded and stained from spilled wine and there was no sign of his staff anywhere. Instead he spotted a nearby suit of armor on display holding a large poleaxe. "Ahh this would do nicely!" He said as he pulled the axe from the armored hands and without warning smashed the head of the axeblade clean off with the strength of his tail. "No sense keeping that part, it could hurt somebody..." he mumbled to himself as he stared arkwardly at the elven woman as she changed her clothes. "You almost finished with your second skin little one? Rin can smell others coming so we need to be quick." He said while scratching his snout with his newly blunted staff. Peeking his head around the corner he noticed the large bug like creature protecting one of the other inmates and cringed a bit as the red mist sprayed across the hallway managed to reach his nose. He did not want to get in the way of that thing if possible, he remembered seeing those someplace before and they dont do much talking, only biting, slashing and killing. Taking a big gulp in fear as he turned back to the little elven woman. "Ummm do you think we could take a different way out? The cold one does not look so friendly." He said pointing to the big bug.