Decent? He had so much to say to that, like he didn’t want her polite or moral. He saw her so much more than adequate or acceptable. But as many replies as he had he just looked to her hair as it swept across him. He wanted to touch it. Like her name he wanted to feel it at least once in his hands on his face. He took a breath and realized that they were both stuck in front of everyone. So he hide his smile and face from the others as he leaned slightly toward her again, toward her hair, toward the tickled it sent through him. “You are decent. But I will wait for you to,” He paused and lowered his chin, his head, to look at the strand of hair that teased him. “tie your hair.” He paused again and then looked up. “It reminds me that, well, it reminds me of dreams, but really it tells me I should do the same.” “Do you have an extra tie?” He chuckled. “Oh no, no, I have some. Here,” Jax put down his boots and tossed his shirt over his shoulder as he fished twine from his pocket. It was just twine, thin rope curled together to form a stronger length of simple tan twine. He unwrapped it finding two pieces. The first he took in his hand quickly, pulled back his unruly twisted braids and wrapped a piece around the whole mess. He tied it loosely. Jax looked to his boots and then back to her. “Not my boots?” He picked them up and grinned. “It is not like any of these fools would take them so I guess just setting on deck will be safe enough.” Then he held out the twine for her to take. It was for her hair of course. Not that he wanted her to tie it back. He almost told her so. Let it loose, he thought as he watched her. Let me look down and see your hair blowing. “Come,” He wiggled the simple tie to her. Take it. Hold the rope. Come with me. Jax was sure if she turned and went back into that amazing cabin she would not come back out. Why should she? She had everything she needed inside her room. She would be decent and in her room nowhere near him. “The night is young and it calls for decent dazzled stars. I hope to see some reflected in your amazing eyes.” He winced as soon as he said it. Now she would run from him for sure. “I mean as I looked down to you when I climb.” He stumbled and shook his head. “I mean I wish for clear skies. I mean,” He shook his head and chuckled, “I am not sure what the hell I mean. Save me from my babbles and come.” He picked up his boots and in a grand gesture swept them forward as if for her to lead the way to the main mast. The Captain was surely waiting.