Booger yelped out in agony, as Akira ripped the polearm out of his torso. Booger was bleeding more severely now, as he lunged towards Akira, and was struck in the right side by the spinning polearm as he howled out, he tried rushing down Akira at his lower legs. Virus was still running around in circles around Akira, while Tony decided to back off, as Akira spun the trident around in a circle. But that didn't mean Tony wasn't going to attack. Tony began hacking and making a strange series of coughing sounds. The announcer boldly exclaimed, "Is Tony going to do it!? OH!" Tony spat out a large ball of a strange purple goo, which seemed to be emitting heat and a faint bubbling noise. "HE IS!" The ball headed towards Akira's torso. Virus continued running in a circle around Akira, just making sure to secure the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senator Vicaver was pulling at his hair with both of his hands. "NO! NO! NO! Being unbroken was bad enough, but PUNS!? I am going to make sure he is slowly tortured for sometime for that! I HATE PUNS!" Senator Vicaver began stomping wildly on the floor, "Come on Wildstone Pack just get him already! STOP BEING HURT AND ENCOURAGING HIS NAUGHTY BEHAVIOR!" Senator Vicaver felt his arms quivering a bit. "Must regain composure... It is undignified." He quickly reached for his bell. "Slave, bring me a fine drink. Do hurry, do not make me angry. I've been angry too much today, and I am sure you have seen what happens to slaves when I am upset."