Sasha nodded and smiled "it was always even. Just more so." She carefully put the wooden fish in her satchel, looking Mayt over. She had assumed that he got his injuries from fighting the Ragged Brotherhood, but guessed now he got it from frightened survivors who had tried to fight. It was probably a good thing it was Mayt they had attacked, she was sure the Ragged Brotherhood would have killed them. "No, you won't die from them, unless you get an infection" she rummaged, taking out her wound salve, "just smear this over them and you'll be right as rain. Save the elixir for when you really need it" she advised, seeing him look at her. She looked down at herself, but she wasn't really injured, just very weary. "I'm fine" she promised him, "just used too much magic. I walked on water" she let out a small laugh at that, "and I tried to put out the fire. And then there was the running" she shrugged. She looked up as Lazurus returned, and remembering his drink offer, she looked away quickly, looking down to hide her blush as her hair hide her face. "Uh, let's find a place to sit" she said to Mayt, as she briefly looked around for Angelo. She knew the master wouldn't leave without everyone, so not seeing him on the boat wasn't a big deal. ---- Master Jamie watched the skies for any sign of Lazurus returning, on e the heavenly Mage had said he was coming back. She turned when Lazarus thumped down on the deck. He let Lazurus get the anger out his system, taking the flag, and studying the mark on it. "You did well, Lazurus. We will put this up on the request board, so that everyone knows to look for this guild mark. We will also try and find the guild itself. Next time, we will be prepared, and next time, we will all be there from the start. They will know the wrath of Phoenix Wing!"