Kyoko couldn't help but laugh at her situation as Mayumi explained to her to just let it happen and enjoy it. Then another girl walked up to them and said something, but Kyoko was too focused on being crushed by hugs to understand. Then she was released as Mayumi's priorities changed to hugging the stranger. Kyoko sat down on the grass a bit dazed at what she just went through. Suddenly, Mayumi started to cry and took a bit to wind down from her explosion of energy and apologized. Kyoko smiled as she stood back up. "It's fine. I wasn't prepared for surprise hugs today." She chuckled a bit. "I like your energy." She was a bit concerned about the tears, but Mayumi explained how she was truly fine, and decided to not pursue too far unless another outburst happened with the same outcome. She then looked over to the newcomer. "I'm sorry, I missed what you said during that incredible embrace." ------------------------------------------------- Suichiro smiled as his name was complimented and gave a slight nod of thanks. He was about to ask for her name when she suggested they get a little closer to a different bit of shade and she noticed the girl from earlier and suggested they approach her. "Alright." He would have shrugged, but Whisker was a bit too heavy for him to do that without dislocating something, so he simply waved his hand in a gesture to let her know to lead the way. As he got closer Whisker hopped off of his shoulders and walked up to the girl listening to music to sniff her leg. He stretched his shoulders a bit glad to be rid of the cat for a few minutes. Now that he had a look at her, she did seem a bit familiar. He chuckled a bit at her request for a discount and then snapped his fingers his expression full of recognition. "I remember now, I was helping deliver some flowers from my Dad's shop to the record store." He then looked at Yoshikuni. "I remember seeing you too for the same reason at the bakery. I was the one that delivered those daisies and petunias last week. Not sure how he does it, but Dad's flowers are in just about every store in the area, and he even manages to get them to events like this one." He pointed over towards one of the large wooden flower pots with white roses.