[b]Friday, April 10th - 2:30PM[/b] The bell rings to signal the end of the class. The words "stand, bow, sit" echo throughout the school, as the class representatives in each class go through the closing motions. Students begin to file out of the rooms. The school year has just started, and the end of the first week draws close. The opening and welcoming ceremonies have already come and gone in the past days. Second and third year students have reunited with their friends, cursed or thanked the administration for the classes they were put in, while first years become familiar with their new classmates. The weather for the past week has been pleasant, and the sakura trees drop their petals on the roads, the campus grounds, and the buildings with abandon. The forecast calls for light rain over the next two days. The air is warm, but humid. The rumors about the old building have already circulated through the students. The newest one, the one about the barricade disappearing, is just starting to bud. Those that hear of it say, perhaps jokingly, that they would check it out. Most of those people never get around to actually doing so. Most of those people. --- Haruka yawned, turning her head from the window down onto her desk. She'd been thinking about what would have happened if she was inserted into her favorite anime. Standard fare for her, really. She stared at her notebook, before stuffing her things into her bag. She stood up, looking around the classroom. Almost everyone had already left, and those that stayed did so because they were on cleaning duty. So, Haruka left the classroom. She made her way to the stairwell before stopping. She turned, looking out the window towards the old building. She saw something moving in the second floor window of the old building. "Ah..."