Reddo's sight went a bit blurry and the room began spinning, there was blood in her eyes and in her hair. Fire was spreading and some of the dirt had caved in. Reddo got to her knees and looked around, she saw the man's body under some dirt his head was covered meaning he suffocated or died when Angelo hit him. She was guessing it was when Angelo had hit him due to the fact the explosion went off. Reddo had no time to be happy, only to look for her friends. She forced herself to her feet. Her legs had burns and so did her feet. It hurt to walk and she had a slight limp. Pain shot through her head and body with every step. Reddo moved some of the dirt aside and slipped to the other side of the dirt wall. the fire wasn't as big as she thought but that's mainly because the tunnel was stone and dirt, not wood. The tunnel had a few more caved in parts. [i]Ugh! Where the fuck are they!?[/i] Reddo thought to herself as she looked around the tunnel,[i] They couldn't have gone far.[/i] She thought. Finally She saw Angelo's upper torso sticking out from under some stones. She moved the stones aside and saw his legs, one was in okay condition but the other looked smashed and need a long while to heal. "Come on bud, lets get you out of here." Reddo spoke as she leaned Angelo against the wall. He was out cold and his pulse was slow. He had large burns and cuts on his torso, face and legs. Reddo then saw Ed, he was propped up against the wall as if somebody sat him there. He was breathing heavy and had a very fast pulse. Reddo limped over to him, "Eddy! Get the fuck up! We need to get Angelo out of here. He's hurt really bad and needs medical attention fast! Besides the guards might be here any minute!" Reddo screamed in Ed's face and slapped him a couple times, he then opened one eye let out a long breath. Reddo helped him to his feet. Ed had most the burns on his stomach and right leg, nothing as bad as Angelo or her. He was the farthest away. Ed could walk without a limp and that was a good thing. "Help me move this stone!" Reddo yelled as she pointed at a large stone that was blocking the path they need to take Angelo through. Ed of course helped her then put one of Angelo's arms around his shoulders, Reddo did the same on the other side of Angelo. Ed and Reddo then began to take him back to the hideout.