Rhia felt her lamp shake when suddenly she felt like she was being summoned. Happily she jumped out to the lamp as a cloud of pink smoke swallowed the area and shrouded her smile. "Master!" She said excitedly as the pink smoke settled. To her surprise a new master stood in front of her. He was much younger that her previous one. She glanced around at the new world around her. [i] It must have been quite a while since my old master left. [/i] She thought to herself. Then Her eyes shift back to the bow in front of her. She bowed in front of him. Her pink hair almost touching the ground before flipping back up and landing behind her. "I am Rhia." She said. " I am a genie and As long as you hold my lamp you are my master." She had this intro memorized and recited it like a childhood poem. She couldn't count how many times she had given this little speech. "I can grant you hears deepest desires." She said cheerfully. "But there are three rules I can not break. " She held up her fingers. "Do you have any questions.