"Name's David. It's nice to meet'ya." Vivienne shifted her weight onto her other leg as she got a good look at the boy, listening to him as he confirmed who she thought she was, and when he introduced himself. The girl gave a friendly notion as she tipped her hat forward, and then all the way back on her head in greeting. [i]"Hi David, nice to meet ya'. I'm Vivienne, though my friends around here call me Vi."[/i] the girl paused, [i]"That means you can call me Vivienne.. for now."[/i] a cheeky grin spread across her face. Vivi's mother would have been mortified at this introduction, but her mother wasn't here so anything could happen. [i]"Oh!"[/i] the girl exclaimed, [i]"Any who, come over here David, I got something for ya!"[/i] Vivienne motioned with her hand, for the boy to come closer to the side of the fence. She had remembered upon seeing the boy about her mother's care package she had been assigned to deliver to him today. [i]"My family made you a little something to get on your feet here. It can be tough if you're not ready for it, and I heard you're from the city, so you're probably not too ready for it."[/i] Vivienne gave a concerned look to the boy as he came up to the fence. [i]"Alright, here it is!"[/i] Vi said, taking some of the chicken feed from her hand and setting it down into the palm of the outreached hand of David. She tried to hold back her laughter with her pink lips clenched tight. She couldn't hold much longer as she spat out laughing, throwing her head back into a hearty chuckle. [i]"I'm just messing with ya farm boy. Give me a minute, I'll go get it!"[/i] Turning on the heel of her boot she went back into the chicken coop and to a shelf to wear a good sized basket was sitting. Coming back into the yard she held the basket up and out over the fence to David. [i]"Sorry about the bird poop. It'll wash right off, i'm sure!"[/i] Vi stated nonchalantly. She nodded handing the basket over. Happy that one task from her mother's honey-do list was completed in an orderly fashion. Inside the basket was various jarred fruits, a loaf of bread, a few old seeds, and an unknown object to Vi in the shape of a very curious stowaway: A bright yellow chick.