[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nmkJPIx.png[/img][/center] [center]-----Battle II-----[/center] “What’s this…? There’s no room for this…, Kim. That man dies before we move…,” Olivia pointed her Gunblade at the soldier’s neck. “It’s not our job to take prisoners… so, either you do it or I do it” Kimberly pushed Olivia away from Storm Guard Delta, picked up the unconscious body, and held it close to his body. The giant shook his head feverishly. “Who said… it can’t be? No one… forbids us… from… taking prisoners. Why… why can’t we… take prisoners?” The bear hug around the Nautilus soldier tightened more. “I thought you… wanted to fight… xenomorphs… not slaughter people…” Kimberly stared right into his Captain’s cold gaze. [i]She changed.[/i] --- [center]---Norton City--- [/center] Kimberly’s sensitive ears heard Olivia scolding him even with the distance between them. “What’s wrong with you?! Do you even know what you just said? How do you get off calling someone’s friend a ‘useless dead carcass’?” Kimberly froze for a second. Several thoughts came to him at once. He had many questions, but only one thought stood out from the rest. [i]Olive cares more about dead bodies than an actual person’s life? [/i] Something inside Kimberly twisted its shape, turning into something dark and ugly. The animal spirits inside him were unsettled. Kimberly whispered, “their spirits... moved on… there’s nothing left... in a dead body.” He wasn’t sure if Olivia or the bawling soldier heard him. He wasn’t sure if they would have cared. [i]She cares more about a dead body… than a person’s life. [/i] Ghost burst out laughing. The hysterical laughter continued to ring in Kimberly’s ears as he worked on the other soldiers. It only eventually died out when WARG began their decent into the sewers. --- [center] -----Norton City: Sewers----- [/center] The Norton City’s sewers emulated Kimberly’s mood perfectly. It was dark, gloomy, cramped, noisy, hard to breathe, and filled with a Kami awful smell that seeped into Kimberly’s helmet. It was difficult to imagine that people could work in such an environment. [i]I don’t know how Mr. Rose managed to clean sewers for a living. [/i] “Obviously he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter did he?” Ghost flew over the contaminated wastewater. “Hey, maybe Nancy’s dad is floating around here somewhere!” [i]I honestly doubt it. [/i] As the group continued their journey through the narrow sewers, Kimberly became increasing distracted by an unusual noise. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, especially with the loud ruckus above him. He could have ---should have--- brought it to his Captain’s attention, but he didn’t. His sensitive hearing always picked up things that could be ignored. It was possible that he was just hearing the heated battle occurring above ground. The past few conversations with Olivia also made the giant reluctant to talk to his Captain. He should have warned the team, regardless. They may not have been able to dodge the tail swipe, but if Kimberly had warned them ahead of time, the group may have been prepared for the hideous aquatic creature. --- [center] ---- Boss Fight I---- [/center] Kimberly was the last person and thing to get hit by the wave of sewage and the aquatic xenomorph’s tail. He half expected himself to be flung across the confined area, but even to his surprise, Kimberly had grabbed onto the monster’s tail, feet firmly planted to the ground. He could feel the earth spirits holding onto his feet, helping their host stay where he stood. After mentally thanking the spirits, the arms around the tail held onto it with renewed strength. The giant did his best to keep the gargantuan fish-like-amphibian’s wild thrashing to a minimum, hoping that it would give his friends enough time to recover. [hider=Summary][list] [*]Kimberly manages to grab onto Boss’s tail and keeps it from attacking the others immediately, hopefully giving enough time for the teammates to recover from Tail Swipe[/*][/list][/hider]