Sasha nodded and once they were on the boat, she found them some seats, settling down gratefully. "It's okay. I wondered where you went to. I thought you were avoiding me" she looked out over the island, a little saddened that they couldn't help out more, but knowing they'd reached their limits. She looked back to Mayt and nodded "perfect timing" she agreed with a smile, looking up as Lazurus approached. She bit her lip, nervous. She took a deep breath, berating herself. "I guess I just wanted to help, and...well I wasn't thinking. Just doing. Paying for it now" she said, managing to smile genuinely. [i]continue, don't stop[/i] "um. I will have that drink with you" it had been too long, and she had missed Lazurus company. It was just too close to what Angelo's mother said, thinking that she and Angelo were a couple. Sasha had never really thought about having any sort of romantic relationship, assuming she wasn't on any ones radar. She blushed again, and looked down at her hands, and took another deep breath, steadying herself