Sorry, I didn't realize you guys were waiting on me! >__> And hey, I liked the Mako. I'm probably the only one. Name: Kerr'Shal nar Lysin Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] Class: Sentinel (I believe this is the class that dropped?) Biography: Before even leaving the womb, Kerr'Shal stood out from other quarians, and not in an entirely good way. When his mother was still pregnant with him, an accident with the ship's drive core caused an explosion which also released dust-form eezo into the ship's atmosphere. While the incident killed Kerr'Shal's mother and ruptured her enviro-suit, the infant miraculously survived long enough to be extracted prematurely and nursed back to health in one of the liveships' medbays. Sure enough, as the young Kerr'Shal developed, he became one of the very few quarian biotics. Some considered his abilities to be an asset, but others thought it was dangerous to have a biotic aboard, and only wanted him gone. His biotic abilities were not the only way in which Kerr'Shal was different from other quarians. While many feared and hated the geth for the Morning War, Kerr'Shal found it difficult to harbor such feelings. Despite being told stories of the geth's atrocities and how they would inevitably kill off all remaining quarians if given the chance, Kerr'Shal remained skeptical. His opinions that the geth had acted as rational, self-interested beings, and did not deserve extermination or even any kind of retaliation from the quarians, found him ostracized by others on board his ship. The crew of his ship was relieved when he finally grew old enough to embark on his pilgrimage, and so was Kerr'Shal, as he had found his own people to be rather less than comfortable to live with. Having now traveled on his "pilgrimage" for over fifteen years, Kerr'Shal has somehow yet to find an item suitable of returning to the Migrant Fleet. If he has it his way, he likely never will. Notable Achievements: Kerr'Shal's life aboard the Migrant Fleet was more than enough to grant him familiarity with tech-centered skills, which he has used in combination with his biotics to devastating effect as a mercenary. He has both fought for, and against, nearly every mercenary group to pass through Omega at one point or another, creating both piles of bodies and piles of enemies. At one point, he was ambushed by a Mantis gunship in an assassination attempt, which he proceeded to bring down with only his omni-tool and his biotic capabilities. Kerr'Shal has since fled Omega due to the owner of said Mantis forcing him to sleep with one eye open, but he's still highly sought after as hired security on freighters and other vulnerable commercial vessels. He refuses to work with pirates, and has personally set explosives on and destroyed several pirate vessels while protecting his clients. Equipment: Serrice Council Savant-model Omni-Tool Armali Council Prodigy-line Bio-Amp Quarian arc pistol M-9 Tempest SMG Cain trip mines, flashbang grenades, standard frag grenades, medi-gel packs; several of each Personality: A total lone wolf, Kerr'Shal.... nah just kidding. Kerr'Shal has learned how to work together with others, even those he dislikes; it was a matter of necessity when living with the Migrant Fleet, and it's a skill that has served him well as a mercenary. He cares little for the morality of his actions or those of his comrades, though he neither enjoys nor condones inflicting more harm than necessary to get the job done. Kerr'Shal tends to be reserved when interacting with others outside of a mission or job, but he does have an interest in the other cultures of the galaxy and enjoys learning more about them, believing that his own race is backwards and foolish for still living aboard spaceships. Was gonna go with an engineer, but it looks like someone beat me to the punch there, so I added the biotics to make for a Sentinel instead.