"Wait, what!?" Reddo said when Ed mentioned they were going to act like a couple. "No, definitely not!" Reddo yelled but she was already in the hospital and ed was already giving the Excuse he made up. Reddo was put onto a stretcher and taken into an operation room. "I fucking hate you!" Reddo Yelled as the door shut. "calm down miss.' One of the nurses said as she put the face mask on her. After a while Reddo began to feel dizzy and finally drifted off to sleep. All her dreams were about fire and death. The memory of her best friend being killed played over and over in her head, but she couldn't wake up. No matter how hard she tried to tell herself "wake up" she couldn't. she had full control of her body in the dream, as the memory began to play over and over she fell to the floor and began crying. She couldn't stop. She wanted to end it here but knew she needed revenge. Then her eyes popped open and the dream faded into the back of her mind, all she could think about was stupid things like ponies and cannons and rainbows. next thing Reddo knew her vision became like a retro 8-bit videogame, then Ed was pushing her in a wheel chair. "Hey,I was thinking. "We should build a giant cannon and shoot the ultimatum with it." Reddo laughed, and spoke in a dazed/slurred voice. "Are you high?" "No, I'm right here on the ground." Reddo said looking at Ed confused. "Yep, you're definitely high." Ed said with a smile. Reddo then began to make air plane noises as Ed pushed her back to the hideout.