"Okay, Bye!!" Suzume walked briskly down the corridor. Even though she considered it walking, it was more like a bouncy small skip. She was in a pretty good mood, due to being back in school, chatting among her classmates and enjoying the day. The classroom she just got out of was on the second floor. She stayed a little bit longer to discuss a fun project that was going on. She always like being on higher floors to be able to see out more; it gave her mind room to fly, as she put it. She passed a group of chatting ladies who seem very enthusiastic about a topic. [i] "Didn't you hear about that building?" "Oh, don't tell me you believe in that too. You can't believe everything boys say." "No, I heard it too! It's not some weird joke.." Weird joke? Sounds like they are serious about all this, [/i] she thought. Come to think of it, she heard rumors too. Strange rumors about the old building becoming open only at night. [i] Sounds pretty cliche to me. [/i] She giggled thinking the boys said it to get girls to be scared and jump into their arms. Like a princess into the brave knight's protective embrace. "Fairy tails, ghost stories, myths and legends!" she chirped in a singsong voice. She looked at her palm to see a small, little blue fish plushy key chain. She gave a warm smile to this little toy, but it was kinda special. Her father gave it to her when she was younger. When they moved a lot, he gave her this, and he said to take it with her on her first day to school. This fish will bring her good luck and comfort, he told her. Suzume always brought the fish her; it normally hung on her backpack, but she put in her pocket every year on the first day. Her lucky blue fish, who's name is Po . She pulled out of her memories about Po and looked ahead of her; a young man stood look out the window. Actually, no, there's two. She jumped back and hid behind the wall, then she peaked around the corner. She knew one of them, maybe, wasn't he in her age in grade? And something about a goof. And the other was on the ground for a second, which caused her to tilt her head in question. But the one boy, he didn't look like he wanted to play, he looked more fixed. He noticed his gaze, which made her very curious. [i] What's he see? I wanna see too! [/i] She stepped a little ways from the corner to face the windows. Her eyes opened more, and she knew. It's the old building. She always called it [i] forbidden [/i]. She let her eyes flow over it, her mouth opened with a little gasp in wonder and disbelief. [i] "...It's..It's open." [/i] She saw things moving in the old building. A sweep of peaking shadows, but she stared straight back. Suzume wasn't a medium or a crazy person, but she knew what she saw. Her brows came closer together slightly, and her normally gentle, innocent face became solid with a curious light in her eyes. [i] That place... it's insidious. From here I can feel it's infested. But so many questions. So strange. With questions, there's answers, and something else in there. [/i] She looked down at her blue fish, "What do you think about all this Po-Po?"