David noted her words, nodding as a sign of him understanding. She seemed kind. He recalled people back in the city not taking kindly when somebody was staring in their direction. They usually took offense to it one way or another, but she seemed to be rather casual about it. He was thankful for that, as he wouldn't want to get off on the wrong foot with the first person he met. He had the feeling that'd be rather disastrous if that had been the case. Of course, thinking negative wasn't going to get him anywhere, so he crammed those thoughts away to where he hoped they wouldn't come back. [B]"Any who, come over here David, I got something for ya!"[/B] Blinking, David was surprised, not exactly expecting somebody he just met to say such a thing. He approached the fence, listening as she explained about her family made him what she described as a 'little something', to give him a little help getting on his feet with his line of work, with the comment about his city origins. He couldn't exactly argue with that, as she was right. He figured he was as ready as he'd ever be, but how ready was that, really? Hopefully enough to not make him look like a fool. Of course, a fool is just what he looked like as she seemed to have something in her hand. He slowly reached out, and stared at his palm as she placed what his apparent little gift was; some of the chicken feed he had seen moments ago. He took a moment to seriously think about it. It wasn't really much use for him right now, but he could possibly use it later. He saw no harm in having it when it could possibly be useful later on. "Well, th-" When he looked back at her to thank her for it, she began laughing. He had a small laugh himself, knowing he couldn't hide the fact he took her seriously. It was embarrassing, in all honesty, but he was okay with that. A joke's a joke, he could find the humor in it. Though she had been messing with him, she seemed to actually have something for him. He brought his hand closer, looking down at the chicken feed as Vivienne bolted off back into the chicken coop. "Wonder what Ah'll end up doing with this..." He muttered to himself with uncertainty, looking back up as Vivienne returned with a basket. A decently sized one at that. He accepted the basket happily, holding it in his free hand. He was about to look down at it quickly, but with Vivienne's comment about bird poop, he looked down a bit slower than originally intended. [i]'Eeeh... Yup, that's poop...'[/I] David thought to himself, though he was still thankful for it. Most of the things inside seemed to be jarred, so they weren't effected. But the bread? Oh, the poor loaf of bread. He wasn't certain about eating that after it had poop on it. Actually, he was certain. Certain he wasn't going to eat it. Deciding to not think about it, he noticed a couple of seeds in the basket as well. Though what they were, he wasn't certain. Though he figured planting them would give him the answer eventually. "There's a lot in here, Ah don't think Ah can thank ya enough for it-" Suddenly, David heard chirping coming from the basket that caused him to become quiet. From behind a few of the jars, a small baby chick came out into the open and ran around the small space, seeming to simply be curiously exploring the basket and it's contents. David chuckled, his smile getting a bit wider as he looked at the little yellow bundle of feathers. "Well, ain't you just an adorable little fella?" David lowered his hand into the basket, watching the chick back away somewhat, seeming skeptical. That is, until it spotted the food in his palm. It rushed over and stepped into his hand, very satisfied with the sudden delivery of a meal. At least the noise he was making made David think so. "Heh, pretty hungry, are ya?" He watched the chick eat, unsure if it was actually supposed to be in there. Though, at that moment, it didn't really matter. The moment was enjoyable, and that was all that really mattered to David as of now. He figured it'd be back with the others soon enough, so taking a moment to feed it wasn't going to hurt anything. At least he figured it wouldn't. --- Ramone, as Gordeu figured, was asleep. Though not at home like one might expect. He couldn't rest with all of his Uncle's noise, so he usually went out to the river near the mines in order to get some sleep. He didn't really bring much with him, aside from his hammer, so he could at least look like he might have been trying to do something if anyone found him. Of course, who would come out here? He figured mostly everyone in town was busy with their jobs, while also thinking about the new guy. Ramone personally didn't care; farming wasn't an interest of his, and it probably never would be. He'd much rather lay around and hum to himself than get filthy by working in some field. He yawned, slowly sitting up and opening his eyes. Simply taking a moment to look around at his surroundings. Nobody was in sight. He was glad he ended up being sent out here. Though Gordeu pestered him about how he was, it wasn't as bad as his parents that ranted day in and day out. Most people just kept their opinions to themselves, or didn't care. That was pleasant. Not being judged almost every waking moment... Standing up, Ramone yawned again. "Another workday. Bet he's already been working for, like, hours. Totally tries too hard." He commented to himself, picking up his hammer and staring at it. He'd gotten used to using it somewhat, but didn't care for the noise it made. Plus the effort of smashing rocks with it was really too much for his tastes. He considered going into the mine to see if he could find something to make into a fancy accessory, but decided against it, instead dropping the hammer down in front of him, narrowly missing his foot. "Maybe later, or something. All this thinking about doing work is totally making me unmotivated." He complained, narrowing his eyes as he tried to think of something he'd actually want to do. Then his stomach growled. "Yeah, you make a good argument. I can't counter that." Ramone said, picking up the hammer again and beginning to make his way back to town. "I could totally go for something to eat right now. I'm sure Uncle won't mind if I end up being a bit later than even he expected." He snickered, pretty sure he actually would. Oh well, that was something to deal with later. Now was the time for food. Which was much more important. At least to him.