[b]Kurai[/b] She walked in the dark, useless spaces that left house's seperated. Her boots clacking on the cement ground and her eyes, seemingly gleaming as she walked in the dark. As she continued walking she suddenly heard a rumble? She turned looking at the direction she heard the noise as she noticed smoke upon the air. She titled her head hearing people walking a tad more faster or running. She shrugged, turning walking towards the sound of the boom. Though she decided not too get in trouble and turned around continuing too walk through the shadows and as soon as she walked home she turned noticing a few walking towards the hospital or maybe? She could only see through the little spaces of the alley way. As they walked they had unique appearances like her. She didn't care that much..and continued too her home. As soon as she reached home there..was a back window it seemed unnecassary, though there were no houses behind her house at the moment. She lifted the window and slowly climbed through the window of her house. Sighed she settled down her backpack on the kitchen counter, walking towards the living room as she turned on the lights. Plopping onto the couch staring at the ceiling. The house itself looked oddly clean and organized for a 14 year old too be living in. Though once her parents left the authorities approved that I can live by myself, though they would provide me food and supplies until I am old enough too get an actual job. Kurai sighing once more, feeling lonely inside her little home. Intrigued by the explosion near, somewhere near the catherdral or so she thought. She wanted too go but the authorities would punish her so many times! She sighed once again and sighed, laying onto the couch until she was finally allowed too do something.