A high pitched shriek caused a shudder to run through Nessa's body, shaking her to the core. Looking toward the source, she couldn't help but stare in awe at the magnificent creature who, by the looks of it, must have been tragically ruined by unexplainably harsh torture. Stepping aside, she let the nymph brush past her, unintentionally holding her breath as she did so. It seemed unbelievable that such diverse people were housed in one location, and the amount strength and talent of these prisoners combined was an incredible stroke of luck that only added to the miracle.  Finally, after they all disappeared out of sight, she cautiously stepped out of the cell, alert for any stray guards. It seemed that none of the corpses had any of her preferred weapons, so her best chance was to avoid getting caught but still be able to follow the horde of audacious prisoners. The torches along the walls provided light, but her shadow cloak would still keep her out of sight. It was a passive skill of hers, and one that she liked to have at all times, though with varying intensities.  She moved through the halls silently and swiftly, but she didn't want to catch up to them until the broke through the more heavily manned areas. Hearing the prince's yell, Nessa realized that he probably knew what he was doing, regardless of his pitiable state. Following them would prove to be more fruitful than she initially expected. A few guards obstructed her path every now and then, but they seemed to have been retreating away from the main group and, since they had suffered injuries of their own, were relatively easy for her to bypass. Soon, she caught up to everyone once they reached the barracks. By the time she arrived, many of them had already retrieved their possessions and were equipping their armor and weapons. With a bit of rummaging Nessa was able to find her own midnight gear and crossbow. Finally reunited with her belongings, her confidence was restored. Without wasting another moment, she adorned her armor. The elf that had initially opened the gate spoke up, suggesting that they should not kill the guards that would no doubt continue to pursue them. She had heard the prince’s words earlier on, but Nessa wondered why he would even bother. How could he worry about his enemies’ lives when he was so close to death himself? The others too, seemed to have no qualms about slaughtering the guards, specifically the big guys. If they were dead, they wouldn’t be able to get back up to try again; however, she wasn’t in any position to question them at this point. She wasn’t the strongest person in the room. Once she was properly dressed, she removed her conjured veil in order to address the others in the room. [b]“Assuming we do make it there alive, and assuming the palace isn’t heavily guarded, where are you all planning to go? It’s not like there are safe havens for fugitives waiting for our arrival,” [/b] She wasn’t exactly a team player, but she would use the benefit in their strength in numbers for as long as was necessary. It would no doubt be advantageous to stick to them for a while.