[i]“Then I believe we are set. They are a rather odd but sufficient group of versatile individuals. All that is left is to finalize the plan, gather them all up and move them into Marceilles.”[/i] [b]"Certainly, I'll contact my people right away. And I know you'll want to be there when the King gives his approval of the plan tomorrow morning." [/b]Evelyn winked, slowly circling the rim of her glass with a finger. Although they were conjured, the crystal peeled out a ghostly ring. As she predicted, Lucius already knew what was what with their esteemed friend. He spoke at length of his encounter with her, and Evelyn absorbed every word, trying to paint a better picture of their new courtier. Her past was still uncertain, but Evelyn knew where to find information. From what she could see, Mirabelle would either be a great and marvelous challenge, an eventual asset, or the torch bearer in setting their empire alight. Evelyn preferred the first two.  Lucius boiled down his thoughts to a conclusion she was mostly impressed with. [i]“If not I, then someone else has given this woman the utmost professional training. There is no doubt she is either an assassin or a spy, so we must watch her closer than we first thought.”[/i] Amused. [b]"Oh, but watching like a hound is such a bore sometimes. It's more fun when you let them have their move, it gives you more to play with." [/b]Evelyn said, flashing a wolfish grin. [b]"But I do understand the severity of having a potential spy in our court, and it will be dealt with in a timely fashion, as always. If I find something useful, you'll be the first to know it."[/b] The Mage stood with the crystals in hand, breaking her conjuration spells in a shatter of glass. Brushing her hands on the front of her robes, her eyes wandered the room. [b]"There's so much to do, I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight. But if there's nothing further, my dear Lucius,"[/b] She said, meeting his eyes with a disarming smile when she addressed him by name, [b]"Then I would bid you a fond adieu, for it's late. And the day starts early for His Majesty. Plus I have a, hmn... meeting with Kester in the morning."[/b]