[quote=Exodus] It was only a matter of time before I sucked it up and joined. Been some time since I've forum-RP'd, so this should be fun... Now then, when do I get my badge and welcome basket? Bonus points to anyone who actually cares and/or responds. =P [/quote] Hullo! Welcome to RPG, land of the people who make worlds appear and disappear screaming by hammering their keyboards with their imagination! By the way, I like your avatar, I have no idea what it's from, but it's one of the first I've seen in a long time that I've actually stopped and said, "Darn, that's pretty awesome." :D I'm not sure what kinds of games you're interested in, but Casual's usually a good place for most people to start and find their comfort level, but don't be afraid to check out Advanced as well! There's kind of a stigma attached to that word, but don't let that discourage you. Everyone's welcome everywhere! Anyways, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a message and I'll get you squared away and off on keyboard destroying adventures before you can... uh, write a love ballad? Win the presidency of the United States? I am so bad at this. Enjoy your time here! I hope to see you around.