Outside the walls the ripples were getting closer and the shrieking was getting louder as they tide of movement was about three miles out and getting closer fast. The people on the wall seemed scared at first, but then steeled themselves, this wasn't their first attack and they hard to be hard to survive. Finding a new and shock sense of determination a few let out war cries while others readied the larger makeshift weapons on the walls, looking ready to kill. Within the tide, large white forms seemed to joined the smaller fray. These "White Ones" seemed to be much bigger than the ripples on the ground; standing over twenty feet high. Their bodies being almost like chitin gorillas, having hulking arms covered in carapace and claw, all white, even their eyes were a pure white. Pincers on their heads that looked as if they could sheer metal, the hands being made in the same fashion. Their legs had no toes, instead they had six legs with points for ends, moving much like a spider with the horde of smaller forms. Only two were coming from the direction that Jack, Rennac, Tearys, and Ryder were manning. As the smaller forms got closer, their shapes became clearer too. They seemed to be like the big ones, but they only had one pair of legs, and they were almost canine like, powerful and strong, much smaller too only about two feet high. Their front claws acting as feet as well, but they had sharp points and two claws. Their heads having what could only be described as tusks, each to a dagger's point on either side of a mouth containing a few hundred pointed teeth. Eyes red as burning coals; their hides ranging from a dirt brown to a pitch black. Their number was even greater; having millions upon millions charge towards the colony with more still coming over the ridge. Ryder kept solid, yet under his maskhelmet he knew what was coming. His home world had something like it. It was The Tide of Death. No Karadon could fight against so many claws and teeth, but then again, no Karadon had a Chain-Gun and Power Armor. This fortified his confidence and even made him crave the conflict. He joined in the war cries, his resounding the loudest from his bellowing lungs.