Once inside the clinic, Joel set his stick by the doorway, and carefully navigated his large basket into the confined kitchen. Before Joel could begin preparing the meal envisioned in his mind, Alex uttered a disappointingly simple request for cranberry juice, which the priest decided to honor it, to a point. Sizzling sounds and the aroma of butter filled the kitchen as the cooking process began. Joel worked comfortably in Alex’s kitchen, for he was quite accustomed to using it under various circumstances. Alex always appeared unusually thin to Joel, so the priest’s nurturing instincts frequently compelled him to make meals for the poor doctor. Throughout the cooking process, Joel chattered away about medical books he had read at Mineral Town’s library, asking for Alex’s opinion on the subject. However, the annoyed doctor preoccupied himself with his schedule, which was expected. Eventually, Alex broke Joel’s rambling with an inquiry about the new farmer in town. “The new farmer’s first official day is today isn’t it.” Joel grinned, “I’ll be off to give the new fella a warm welcome soon, but first you need some sustenance to ensure your hair doesn’t lose its wonderful luster.” Not allowing Alex a moment to protest, the priest delivered a tall glass of juice and a plate of sweetened bread. “It’s French toast, I hope that isn’t too exotic,” a playful chuckle accompanied his statement. The meal Joel handed to Alex certainly was not French toast and the both of them knew it, but Joel hoped it would be sweet enough for the doctor to enjoy. Since Alex’s meal had been prepared, Joel began collecting his ingredients, basket, and walking stick. Upon retrieving his items, he opened the door outside; the priest gave Alex a smiling glance, “au revior docteur.” With his departing statement announced, Joel once again began traveling along the roads of Mineral Town.