Hey Brovo; I just noticed the photo on your last post involving the latest IC contribution and may I recommend using a word document for posting drafts? I know it seems a bit extreme, but I can't tell you how many horror stories my friends and I have had involving browser failures or accidental window terminations. Speaking of which, something similar actually happened yesterday where I'd finished my previous piece via word document and was preparing to post. My most recent post almost got nuked due to the fact that I accidentally closed my browser window. Luckily, I hadn't editted that draft, already possessed a copy from text program to browser transfer, [i]and[/i] I'd used my separate word document program so I readily gave Chrome the middle finger and just re-pasted my post. By using a separate word processing program; you [i]too[/i] can give your browser the middle finger and win! Ahhhhhh ... gotta love safety protocols ...