When YingJue's fight came around, she found herself on the North African desert. "Great..." she thought to herself, as the Gaia immediately transformed into MA mode and began running towards her, reminding her of a scene in Gundam Seed where BuCues attacked the Strike in the very same desert. Out of reflex, YingJue began firing at the Gaia with the Ashtaron's claw beams, but the Gaia dodged left and right, avoiding the shots. YingJue successfully predicted the Gaia's next attack as it tried to pass by her and slice her in half with the beam blades in its wings. In response, YingJue pulled out the Ashtaron's beam saber and successfully blocked the strike, planting both her feet into the sand. This caused the Gaia, who could no longer move straight forward because it's wing had been blocked began listing around behind the Ashtaron. Due to Yingjue's skill with DRAGOONs, she knew where the Gaia would be without needing to look at it and sent her claws flying backward towards the Gaia in an attempt to crush it. The Gaia's pilot managed to regain control in the nick of time and narrowly avoided getting its head and torso smashed. Still with the Ashtaron's back facing the Gaia, YingJue fired the claw beams again, hoping it would hit at such close range, but the Gaia transformed into its MS mode, and pulled out its shield to block. The Gaia then pulled out its beam saber in order to slash the Ashtaron in the back, but htis time ,YingJue transformed the Ashtaron into MA mode and flew off avoiding the blow. The Ahstaron turned back around and began firing with the nose cannons as well as the claw beams, but he Gaia kept its shield up, and fired back with its beam rifle and shoulder cannons. The Ashtaron was beginning to take heavy damage, and continuing its lunge would be considered suicide by many, but it continued towards the the Gaia relentlessly. The pilot of the Gaia didn't want to get rammed and turned to run but YingJue took the chance to shoot the Gaia's legs out causing it to fall to the sand. Losing control Yingjue made sure that when the Ashtaron landed, it would mitigate damage to the torso. it landed on its side next to the fallen Gaia and reached out with its claws, crushing the Gaia and ending the match. This time, YingJue had figured that the Ashtaron's heavy armor would be enough to protect it, while the fact that it wasn't her own Gunpla, made her less reluctant to allow it to incur damage. In hindsight, she felt a bit sorry for Kid, who had spent so much time and effort building all of these random suits.