as Zendra sat the the table inside she felt something inside her stir then started hearing whispers a voice that seemed so familiar but she could not place it, she continued to eat her eyes darting over to the door every few moments and when she did the voice got louder "exu..excuse me mom, ill be right back" she quickly got up and went upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door behind her she found herself in front of the mirror and it was not her staring back but Zandrea the demon inside her. "" Zendra asked timidly "its all in your head girl...." the demon replied, Zendra turned around from the mirror only to see the demon now sitting on the bathtub rim with a smile on her face "no one can see or hear me but you right now, I mostly sleep when I allow you to control us, but someone woke me up, and I am not sure who....where is the death bringer?" Zandrea crossed her legs with a devilish smile on her face as she watched Zendra try to think of what to say "sh....she left but she will be back" the demon giggled and pointed at the window that over looked the back where Ariel and Sasha was,Zendra walked over and peaked out the window, she could not make out anything they were saying, the only she seen was what looked like Ariel holding this girl she never seen before and lock her face "it looks like she already is moving on kid...shame she talked such a big game" the demon laughed and placed her hands on Zendra's shoulders. Zendra had no idea what to say but tears lightly weld up in her eyes. "let me out Zendra....let me go down there...DO IT....release me from inside" she demon commanded and Zendra closed her eyes and nodded and with a flash of light that lite up the back area from the window, Zendra's skin peeled away and under was the red firery demon. "mmmmmm yes....about time" she stretched and watched out the window again at Ariel and Sasha.