Ok a few things: 1. We're using google docs. I will add you if you send me an email. If you do not do so for whatever reason, you're on your own. I don't mean you're not welcome, I just mean that if you and, me for example, are going to RP, it's kind of up to you and I to get on board with each other elsewhere. 2. The OLD collab site is now BACK UP. However, I am fully vested in using google docs. You are all MORE THAN WELCOMED to use the old one, but keep in mind it's history, and backup your stuff. 3. Sorry I've been busy. I've had a lot of stuff going on, from a sick kid, back yard renovations, helping my Mom, and then the power being out a few times because of storms and a shitty power company. 4. With #3, I cannot stress enough: I am not going anywhere. Life may get crazy, and I'm sorry as I can be for that, but I'm sure everyone knows that RP doesn't dictate how I deal with life. Life dictates how/when I can RP. 5. I hope all of you are well, and enjoying the summer. 6. If you are inactive, your char will be moved to an AFK of some sort until I decide whether or not to kill your char. 7. If you KNOW you are not interested and NOT going to RP: TELL ME. I don't want us to wait around because you fee it's better to just back out and leave everyone guessing. I won't get mad or upset, I'm probably the most understanding person/GM ever in this regard. Just let me know. Az