[quote=Falconi] God Complexes are higher forms of Narcissism"Narcissistic personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and is thought to occur in up to 6.2 percent of the general population.Like most personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s."More commonly referred to as a “God Complex,” Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” [/quote] I know what God Complex is... -.- I meant a study that showed men were more likely to kill people in the name of a divine power, since that's the study your character spoke about. This article only says it's statistically more dominant in men but doesn't really say anything about men with God Complex being more likely to kill someone because of that, as far as I can see.