[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qG9dVJ5.jpg[/IMG][/center] With the blood loss and the -unbeknownst to her- possible start to mental scarring, Ace was running on fumes. She followed, helped where she could, and moved to where she needed to be. At this point, Ace should've passed out from even over using the fumes and adrenaline. The redhead scanned the area for the two she was told to go to. First, she spotted Inadi. It seemed the hooded figures could handle it, so she pulled him back to get out of the way. She was coherent enough to realize Jasper had been missing clothing and they were still being attacked. "You're...whatever." She would've offered clothing, but hers was bloodstained, leather, and she didn't have extra. Some unseen and predictable force knocked Ace over. She fell in a pile of wood and laid there for what she thought was only a minute. But when her eyes closed for a second, they reopened to see nothing but a blur at first. When her vision cleared and her head wasn't swimming, she saw right when the witch died. Ace held her head in her hands for a moment, wondering why she felt so dizzy. When she looked up again, the hooded figures were escaping and there was... "One...Two....Three?" Three new bodies that weren't there before. She noticed them, but couldn't make out where they came from. Sheesh, how long did she pass out for? Ace couldn't make out a lot of things at the moment. "Focus....Focus....Focus-" Ace caught sight of two more figures and jumped up way too fast only to wince and fall forward. "Ow..." She sighed, but then went back to her excitement. "Hey! Guys! There's Fluffy!" She pushed off the ground and adjusted her hat before limping to the dragon. Citrus so happened to be near one of the new bodies she counted. She eyed the male in front of her and tilted her head. Well he wasn't a Nobody... In fact he looked human... That wasn't important though. In fact the human male wasn't all too important at the moment either. "Pardon me dude." She said to Toby before moving and sitting in front of Citrus. "Hey Fluffy, do you remember me? We've been looking everywhere for you! You're parents and grandma are worried sick! We are here to take you home, so you need to come with us." Citrus had shuffled backwards away from Ace, only staring quietly. But after staring, and seeming to understand what Ace was saying, Citrus floated towards Ace. "That's a good dragon. Now come on." She stood, and Citrus looked back at Toby before moving after Ace. That is, until Ace stopped and looked at Toby. "Where'd you come from? I guess in the commotion I missed it. And thanks for keeping Fluffy safe, we have to take him home to his parents." Ace turned back around to see the situation at hand. Many of her team were pretty much lifeless and drained. So, she took a deep breath and cupped her hands over her mouth. "GUYS! THE WITCH IS DEAD AND FLUFFY IS HERE! WE CAN'T QUIT NOW!" Ace's yelling made her dizzy once more but she fought through it. "I have to go help the others. They're hurt." It was a matter of factly tone. As much as she wanted to say hi to the random people, she had a job to do. While Ace hobbled over to help Jasper up, the baby dragon stole her hat- that was probably how he remembered her in the first place. "Come on Jasper, we can't stay here." She looked around to see who else needed to be helped. Harper was still unconscious, but she was still not giving up on him. There was no way he was going to die. Not like this. "We need to..." But seeing everyone in their conditions, and then herself... yeah they weren't going to get very far. And Ace didn't know how she was standing on her own two feet at the moment. So... she looked at Jasper and then everyone else with a bright smile. She plopped back down on the ground, practically falling over and on to her back. Ace put her fist into the air, once again forgetting that she got stabbed in the shoulder. She winced, but still smiled. "We did it guys. The witch is dead and we found the dragon! Avian would be proud! And... Haku and Leon would want us to pull through.... We have to survive. For all our fallen comrades. Let's get home so we can tell tales of all their bravery and all the adventures we had. We can't give up now!" Ace dropped her arm and laid there. Ace laughed gently. Sometimes, even she wondered where she got the energy... "Hold your heads up high. We still have things to collect. You all still have people to see." Ace's voice faded off and she sighed. Ace was definitely on Empty now. As she got quiet, she wondered if it would be okay to just...pass out for awhile....