"Hmm?" Sensing a sudden shift in the air, Ariel turned to look up. Upon seeing the open window, Ariel realized that Zendra was staring back at her. No...red skin and fiery eyes...this was Zendrea. Smiling, she waved at her lover and motioned for her to come down. "Hello there love. Why don't you come and join us? Don't mind me! I was just....taking out some trash." Smirking, she tossed Sasha roughly on the ground and stood above her. "I assure you dear, that I have no intention of soiling this mutt. Come to me, dear Zendrea..." She then flashed a sadistic glare down at the marred girl, rising insanity dancing in her red eyes. "Hush now Sasha.....don't tempt me to make a mess out of you right in front of my beloved." Gritting her teeth, Sasha had her own hate-filled glare right back at Ariel. "Fuck...fuck you..." The Angel of Death simply giggled. "You would...just like your brother....just another juicy kill..."