Name - Gabriel Law (Gaboreel La) Alias - Grey Angel Age - 16 Sponsor - Giganta Personality - Serious, Hardworking, Mysterious Powers [hider=Flight] His wings allow him to fly, the longer he flys the faster he becomes, he does not need to flap his wings to fly they work magically, however they do need to be extended. If his wings come into contact with water, they will melt, and he will have to summon me again with a spell [/hider] [hider=Magical Weapons] He possesses a wide variety of magical weapons that have godlike abilities. However, they were all reverted to their absolute weakest level upon defeat by Giganta,and he would have to train for a very long time to fully restore them. They were originally nameless, however Giganta named them after the Greek Gods. He can summon each of the weapons using his special gloves, which he stole from his family. The gloves originally drew magical energy from his home planet, which made his weapons godlike, but once Giganta defeated him, that energy ran out, and the gloves began running off of earths moon energy, resetting his weapons to a weak form, and making it so they only work under certain conditions. [/hider] [hider=Apollo]One of the weapons he possesses, summons a bow that shoots concentrated pieces of star that explode pure disintegrating fire and light upon impact. At its weakest form, however, the explosion is small, and has about the range of a firecracker [/hider] [hider=Artemis] One of the weapons he possesses, it is a silver horn that summons celestial familiars to aide him. However, in its weakest form, it can only summon one spirit, that resembles a bloodhound. [hider=Ares] One of his weapons, this is purely for support. It increases strength and cell regeneration, however in its weakest form it can only cover him and 2 others, and it only makes minor wounds heal, and makes you slightly stronger. It takes the form of a light blue aura in its weakest form. [/hider] [hider=Zeus] One of his weapons, it is a beam of electricity that disintegrates, electrocutes, and burns. However, in its weakest form, it is just a palm sized bolt of electricity that slightly burns and electrocutes.[/hider] [hider=Poseidon]One of his weapons, it summons a trident that can manipulate water and summon hurricanes. However, in its weakest form, it appears as a blue spear that can manipulate small amounts of water and call upon minor rainfall without any damage.[/hider] [hider=Hades]One of his weapons, it is a mysterious force that has unknown abilities. Giganta named it Hades because the only time she ever saw it was right before she defeated Gabriel, and it was a nasty red aura. She defeated him before it was activated, and now it hasn't ever surfaced again.[/hider] [hider=Vulcan]One of his weapons, it is a sword that burns enemies to the touch and can call upon rains of flame from the sky. However, in its weakest form, it is a dark grey blade that slightly burns enemies. Only weapon named after Roman God.[/hider] [hider=Demeter] A staff covered in vines and flowers, it can control and summon plants that ravage everything they touch, however in its weakest form it is a plain wooden staff that can only summon and control vines.[/hider] [hider=Aphrodite]One of his weapons, it is purely for support and can heal allies. However in its weakest form, it only heals minor injuries. It is in the form of a bright pink aura that he can spread to others.[/hider] [hider=Hermes]The main magic of his people, it is a grey matter that forms his wings, it can only be undone by water, and it takes massive energy to cast, enough to knock you out for a week.[/hider] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Hider=Weaknesses]. Water Nullifies his powers of flight because his wings are made by [b]Hermes[/b], and begin melting like wax when contact with water occurs, his wings are a spell in themself, if they melt completely away he needs to recast [b]Hermes[/b],which takes massive amounts of energy. He is easily aggravated by others who aren't serious, and has a tough time with human emotions. Horrible with melee. Easily defeated with pure brute strength. Cannot use [b]Poseidon[/b] without weakening all his other powers. Having a support power set is a blessing and a curse. His powers are summoned by his gloves, which are charged by lunar energy, so the moon phase effects how many weapons he can use. He can only use one weapon at a time, but if [b]Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite[/b] are used, then he could switch to something like [b]Apollo[/b] without those effects going away. If he is not in direct moonlight, then he has to draw the energy from himself, so he will become easily tired out, and won't be able to switch weapons without extreme strain, and possible loss of conciousness. So if he summoned [b]Apollo[/b] and then de-summoned it, and tried to re-summon another weapon, the strain might be too much and he would be out the rest of the battle.[/hider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Appearance] Silvery blue eyes, sandy blonde hair that is in the style of a messy, slightly pushed up fringe. His skin is paler than most Caucasians, and his veins are more pronounced. Most of the time he has large grey wings, however if they have had contact with water,they will be gone until he summons them again. He wears purple and grey light armour, and his gloves are silver with intricate black designs covering them.[/hider] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [hider=Bio]. He was a child of alien nobles from a distant solar system, who stole a powerful weapon from his people- his gloves. He was living in a massive armada that was passing through our solar system when he stole the gloves for Unknown reasons, and killed 17 of his own kind. He managed to escape and crash landed on earth in an escape pod. When he hit the earth, he lost control of his powers and decimated an entire town. In this crazed state he destroyed many neighbouring towns before moving into metropolis, where he was finally taken down by Giganta. When he was defeated, his gloves lost the remaining energy from his home planet, and latched onto the full moons energy, which was shining above. This reset the powers of the weapons he had used, and now they are all in their absolute weakest form. Giganta then took him under containment and rehabilitated him over the course of a year. He has come out a better person, ready to join the team. -Hidden backstory revealed IC- [/hider] ----------------------------- Notes- He was defeated by Giganta, and she held him in containment for just under a year, putting him through a sort of villain-rehab. He emerged with knowledge of how this world works, and a unique view on justice.