Thovren was standing at the door, Half listening, half keeping an eye on the outside in case anyone... or anything heard them and came to investigate. When he heard enough of people asking whats happening or where is everyone he decided to finally answer their questions. To him it was obvious, and it was very disturbing. Like Dakin he lifted a boot and stomped it on the ground to get everyone's attentions before speaking. "All I know is that we cannot remain here and wait for people to return or spring up out of the ground." He hardly knew any of the children in this room personally. He was always to busy himself. Working and training by his own hand or his fathers. "I could not find anything in my house to prove my parents simply packed up and left either Dakin. SO I think we have to assume they were taken by" he sighed "By whatever it was attacked our village." as ugly of a truth that was it was the only plausible thought in his mind. And everyone seemed to be dancing around that very possible truth. So he decided to be the one to say it aloud and voice everyone's fears. And if it had the power to take their parents who were far more skilled than themselves, what could it do to them? He quickly turned and pulled his fathers letter out of his pocket. "Had anyone found anything strange by chance? Some clue as to where they are, or just strange anything really." He unfolded the letter and took a look at it again. "My father got this letter from a man he says he has not spoken to in years. And it arrives just before the attack." he waited for anyone else to speak, he could only hope others had something no matter how vague that could help them.