[quote=Stefan0620] How powerful do we want to make the world breaker? I can have Kyrtaar wound him with his powers, but write off the lack of fatality to being weakened, and enchanted armour or something. If you guys want that, and for him to initiate the conflict, let me know, and I'll post when I get off work, in about 4 hours [/quote] They're not OMFG powerful, and in my mind the Eblistani army probably contains a couple hundred of them, but they are deadly warriors using a wide range of enchanted equipment to boost their combat prowess. They answer only to the Caliph and his sons; if I get the chance, I'll have Mundhir narrate their history, as he has led them in battle many times. Let's say his mail and plate dampens magical attacks, and that his sabre can slice its way through most armour. Other than that, he just a man, and will die like the rest - but he is an elite warrior, and will be tougher than the guards we've slaughtered mercilessly. [quote=The Roman07] I see some room.for character growth in Mr. Hamsters character. Well played Hammie :) [/quote] I actually planned for Mundhir to talk his way out of the cell, and for him to recruit you guys into his service as he sought the master of the assassins. Then you all went on a blood hungry murder spree, so I have to improvise lol - but yeah, I've left plenty of lee way in Mundhir's original conception. [quote=Pathfinder] 9 is gonna be pretty out of it for awhile. [/quote] Just keep hugging that nymph thing, I'm sure the beef man will take care of matters.