[CENTER][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_EouFAM25K7E/S8fPwTdjYoI/AAAAAAAACkU/KhwAq0NarLo/s1600/CSA+National+Flag.jpg] [B]Confederate States of America[/B][/CENTER] [B]Comments After Discovering President Davis Fleeing the Country,[/B] When I went to bed last evening I was only the Vice President of the CSA. When I awoke and arose from bed at dawn today I found myself in charge of this nation. Reports are sparse, but it would appear that President Jefferson Davis has fled from the country due to how the war has progressed these past few years. Let the end of his cowardice be a turning point in this war for our independence. I often disagreed with President Davis on many things, but no longer must the CSA suffer from his leadership. We shall launch in a new direction our fight for freedom. It shall be one with calmer heads and with cooler strategy in a hope to wind this war down quickly, as opposed to the attrition style tactics President Davis was so fond of. And to my friend Abraham Lincoln... Abe, a lot has changed since our time in the Whig Party, that is true, but nevertheless I would like to meet with you to discuss an exchange of Prisoners of War. Give me a time and a place, Abraham, and I shall see to it that I am there. [B]- Alexander H. Stephens, Acting President of the Confederate States of America[/B] [I](on August 19, 1866)[/I]