It is the year of our lord 1888. We are in the city of London, England. As the people are bustling about their daily live, they are unaware that , unbeknownst to man, there are creatures living and breathing among them that seem so very much like us, and yet are not entirely the same. Beneath the streets and structures that make up the capital of Great Britain, in the sewers and catacombs spread far and wide, there lives a race of tiny people that has coexisted with mankind since the beginning of time. Seeming to be no more than children, streetrats at that, they mingle and blend in with the masses, unnoticed, unknown, with only their slim pupils hinting at their true nature. They are the Underlings, and this is the story of two teenagers among them. [u]___________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/u] [b][Center]Underlings of London[/Center][/b] [b][center]Prologue[/center][/b] It was a dull morning. The early sun was hidden behind a grey filter and only hesitantly sending its first rays over London's rooftops. Dark clouds were looming over the waking city, and the impending rain sent many a person into a hushed hurry. There was a market on on Trafalgar square. The noises of a large crowd mingled with the clattering hooves of horse drawn carriages passing by the large plaza, and the barking of dogs could be heard in the distance. Children's laughter mixed with the haggling of merchants and shoppers, and the general chatter resounding through the air slowly woke up the rest of the city. All sorts of booths were scattered over the marketplace, from vegetable and meat stalls over craftsmen utensils to clothing and refined jewelry for the more exalted buyer. The crowd was a blend of many different characters. Poor and rich, young and old, workman and noble gathered here to get their early shopping done. The atmosphere over the large Plaza was busy and rushed. People were distracted, in a hurry to get their business done before the first drops would fall. The density of the crowd, the dull, hectic atmosphere and the countless distracting impressions of the market created an ideal opportunity for thieving little hands. And so it was that Paul and Jenny found their way here this morning.