[hider=Character Summary] Location: Barracks Health: Hungry, thirsty, tired Inventory: Clothes, daggers, Mother's Necklace. Important Points: Conversed with the group, making her own plans, prepping to feel out the enemy's speed, armor, etc.[/hider] As the lizard-man who called himself Rin spoke she smiled, [b]"I'm done..."[/b] She glanced at the green eyed elf and frowned, [b]"You know... most of us don't but... you don't look so good. That magic stuff takes it out of you, huh?"[/b] As the Chitin monster was beset by Guards Aevah was distracted from her conversation and prepped for a fight, but he surprised them all by handling most on his own, aside from those that Rin took care of... Apparently, their need for survival clashed with the Prince's sense of morality though. Aevah sighed at the Princes ire, he could afford to be upset with them whereas they could not afford leniency towards Guards aiming to kill them. If they had the time to fight until the Guards yielded or they were able to incapacitate them they'd be surrounded by more in no time. The simple fact of the matter is that though she disliked it, it was they or the Guards and she was sure all the others felt the same. She would not kill those who stood down but as of yet, she hadn't noticed any who had made that choice when confronted with their paltry little group... it was obvious they were on their last leg. Many of them were wounded or exhausted from days of starvation and dehydration, some were poisoned and dying. Why stand down to those you thought had no chance? His rudeness toward Rin irritated her though, [b]"He is only trying to help and by the looks of you, you shouldn't be so high and mighty as to refuse..."[/b] She shook her head as he walked off, intent on leaving them behind. She understood his feelings, she would not want to witness her own people being slaughtered either... but what choice did they have. She glanced at Tarwin as he spoke about his quest and smiled, any other time she'd be right on any kind of trip for potential treasure but they were going to be hunted the entire time they were hunting those goods. [b]"Ask me again once we're out of here and I'll consider it..."[/b] When the Nymph woman spoke about heading into the woods Aevah frowned, [b]"I'd rather not endanger the small villages there... one of them is my home... but taking a rest there may not be a bad idea. I'm sure you would know your way around well, and I do also... we could find a place deep in to regroup."[/b] After discussing options the others began following after him, he WAS the only one who knew the way out and which doors would be locked or which would have many Guards behind them. Aevah knew what she planned on doing... if they could get out of here she would rest with the others for a time. Perhaps she would even travel with them if they moved along her intended route... maybe if they proved worth a bit of trust she'd include them in her plans. Either way, she was headed to Nillanor. If she stayed in Eblistan then she ran the risk of dying a traitor's death anyway. At least in Nillanor she could offer up her services to the army there, the fact that she was half elf and had information on one of Eblistan's Princes couldn't hurt either. She was not usually so underhanded, she minded her own but taking care of herself came first on her list... She'd do what she had to do to survive. If the Prince, by some miracle, decided that his family's betrayal was enough to drive him to joining her then maybe the Elves would even have a cure for his poison... She had not long to ponder this course of action though, a large heavily armored man stepped into view. She'd heard of them, World Breakers, she knew enough to be very worried for their little group of would be escape artists. The hall was a bad place to be, other than the doors one either side, it bottlenecked and left only two directions to go... Either back to the Barracks or straight at the huge thing that now took up most of the space in front of the door that was their probable way out. Back came the prince and those that had been closest to him and Aevah moved into a corner. [b]If the chance came, she would attack from out of immediate view,[/b] no way was she trying to slip past that thing. It's reach was impressive and that blade had just broken another blade, she'd prefer NOT to get trapped between it and a wall. The largest beings in their group would probably be their best defense against this thing, someone as tiny as she with no magical ability aside from one that could render her helpless, would do very little good against this thing... Neither would her arrows. [b]She'd have to stay out of his way and watch for weak points in his armor, test his speed, try and dodge in and out of its range to see where or even if it's enchantments had a weak point.[/b] Either way... this didn't look good for any of them.